Reflections of the Social Media Revolution

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Conference

Why Social Media?

With the advent of social media in the world today it is not supprising then that both individuals and businesses are looking for ways to fully take advantage of it, especially keeping in mind that their capabilities are not entirely tapped yet and they still possesses huge potentials for future development.

Consider the fact that there are now well over 1500 publicly traded companies and even smaller firms that maintain an active Blog, Twitter feed, Facebook fan page, and YouTube channel. Facebook alone boasts additional 50 millions of people adopting social networking, businesses are keen to participate and are increasing their social media budgets accordingly.

What Are The Benefits?

For businesses, the social media also offers huge potential benefits from reduced costs and enhanced performance. To a certain extent, businesses have started to utilize social media for the purpose or marketing, building brand, engaging customers, and knowledge sharing. However, these practices are relatively new, and many other businesses are still growing in the dark when it comes to utilizing the social media for their benefit.

What Is The Mission?

It is the aim of the 'Asian Bloggers and Social Media' conference to introduce and educate individuals and businesses on how to adopt and effectively take advantage of the social media. This event will introduce the concepts and tools of social media and how they can assists individuals and businesses to gain profit.

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